It has been so long that i didn't update this blog with a long story of my life. ecewah, ayat nak bunge2 kan. eh,kate mat rempit. ha ha. ok,enuff.
well, life is tough kan? there's so much problem that you've got to handle by urself without nobody tells you how to solve it. it's like a puzzle game where to pass it you've got to answer all the questions by urself. but that is life man. we can't expect things are always easy for us. in fact, sometimes, you have to sacrifice part of your goyang-kaki life to achieve ur dreams. am i right baby?
and me myself have been thru so many obstacles in life. sumtimes, i feel like giving up. i feel like to cry all the time. but i just can't. hey, Tuhan kan tak suka kita putus asa. tapi lumrah seorang manusia biasa kadang kala mudah goyah bila kaki tak berdaya lagi untuk melangkah. dulu-dulu bahasa melayu dapat A 1, sebab tu ayat sastera sikit.
long time ago when i was at pre-degree, life was not very hard to live with. no financial problems. can buy everything as a teenager. (nafsu shopping mcm setan lagi time tu. ha ha) didn't care at all about what life could offer in the future. everything seems so easy to get. and as a gurl, tengok apa orang beli, nampak cantik, saya pun nak jugak. dasar perempuan kan? time tu lah baru nk build up confidence.making lots of friend, boyfriend.
cinta monyet, monkey,buaya, semua adalah. learnt how to join social networking like friendster,myspace. cool kan?
tapi, as time goes by, semua tu sudah berlalu. and now, here i am, a 23 years old young lady. ah, tapi ramai jugak yang cakap i look like 18. xpe, aiman tak kesah. kata la lagi macam tu, kata tu kan satu doa. awet muda kan. ceh, perasan tahap kuantan aku ni. ha ha!
being 23 years old is not like being 3 years old kid obviously. semua kena fikir sendiri. you've got to do things on your own. no longer living in the comfort zone. pernah nak makan tengah hari pun sampai kira duit syiling. pathetic kan? lucu pun ye jugak. time tu ada sehinggit pun dah rasa sangat bersyukur. ada riban apetah lagi kan? itulah nak jadi dewasa bukan senang. every single thing has to be managed. tak kiralah dari segi financial ke apa ke, if not, sendiri buat, sendiri tanggung lah and sendiri yang mintak nak makan cili, sendiri lah yang merasa pedasnya, ye tak? ber-peribahasa bagai pulak kan:P
after all, nothing perfect in this world. it is upon ur choice whether to live in heaven or hell. Dia dah bagi rezeki dekat kita. so, pandai-pandailah manage rezeki tu, ye dak?:)
but peps,
i'm just happy with what i am today. still a student but already had a degree certificate. just an ordinary, dark-skin girl but being loved by her loved ones:) just living the life to the fullest and praying for a great future.
smile! :)