Sunday Activity!

This coming Sunday would be my best friend's graduation day. unfortunately, i'm not feeling well but still  i wish i could attend the ceremony to cheer her up,take pictures and celebrate the meaningful day together after her hardship for the past four years. tak sabar nak tengok dia naik stage dengan slempang ANC :) she's a real genius! so, am praying hard to get well soon. boleh la ambil gambar sama2 dengan genius :D

To Miss Z,


i'm so proud of you..dari dulu lagi :P


momo said...

ala jangan la tak sihat sampai sabtu. nak lepak2 dengan ko ni. aiyo.. tak besh la cani. wuuu. wani jadi datang. aku amek die kat setiawangsa dulu sabtu ni then g amek ko kat kajang. sihat cepat2x... wuuu..

Ima Amalina said...

InsyAllah..memang nak datang! :)