i'm busy procrastinating:| *sigh*

not done with the proposal. i was sick for a month++ and now having bad cough. i cant stop myself coughing all the time. dah berbotol-botol ubat batuk ditelan but it doesn't change anything either. lepas minum ubat batuk, what else kan? mestilah tertido macam orang tengah koma. punyalah high:|

i should start worrying bout my proposal rite now, tapi apa boleh buat, sakit juga datang dari Dia. jadi tak sedar2 diri lagi nak redha? :)

perlu fikirkan cara untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan:D


i've got to settle this proposal thingy ASAP. 

*ubat batuk please rest in peace dalam peti sejuk ye, esok aku tak boleh minum kau. nanti serebrum aku kacau bilau:D* -abaikan monolog dalaman-

hope for better change for tomorrow. insyaAllah^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, mungkin karena itu